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Vine protectors are commonly used to protect grapevines immediately after planting and include both grow tubes and milk cartons. Milk cartons are temporary vine protectors made of wax coated paperboard that will last 1-2 seasons, depending on the weather. Milk cartons protect newly planted vines from predators such as rabbits and ground hogs and also protect vines from herbicadal sprays. Milk cartons can be left on the vine through the winter after planting and are typically removed during the 2nd season. Grow tubes such as the ShellT 773C and the Blue-X are long lasting "re-useable" vine protectors that perform multiple functions; promoting growth during the 1st year, protecting plants from predators such as rabbits and ground hogs as well protecting plants from herbacidal sprays. Grow tubes allow light to pass through the wall of the tube therby increasing temperature and humidity inside similiar to a greenhouse. Because of this, grow tubes should be removed in the fall of the planting year.